The Chronicle: The Students’ Voice

The official student newspaper of The King's University, The Chronicle has been a fixture of student life at King's for decades. The newspaper contains an eclectic mixture of opinion pieces on global and local affairs, campus news and event reviews, film and literature reviews, fiction, poetry, satire, comics, and more. The Chronicle aims to provide professional journalism which is both reflective of and relevant to the King’s student body.



General Policy

Last updated: 2020/21

The Chronicle editors may refuse to accept any articles on the basis of:

  1. Poor professionalism: The article content does not reflect the high quality of journalism that The Chronicle strives to maintain. This may be reflected in an impersonal tone or a topic irrelevant to The Chronicle’s readership.

  2. Inaccuracy: The article makes claims that are inaccurate or false. 

  3. Unethical: The article violates The Chronicle’s General Policy (see below).

The Chronicle’s General Policy is as follows:

  1. Student editors and staff writers must avoid libel, the use of obscene or sacrilegious material, undocumented allegations, obscenity, plagiarism, attacks on personal integrity, or any form of harassment.

  2. The Chronicle shall be free of censorship, and its editors, staff writers, and contributors shall be free to develop their own editorial policies and news coverage (subject to the exceptions outlined in A.) When submitted articles pertain to controversial topics, the student editors will endeavour to publish articles from as many viewpoints as possible to fairly represent all sides of the debate. The goal of the editors is to maintain a public forum for the free exchange of ideas.

  3. In accordance with journalistic standards, The Chronicle will not print anonymous articles except in extenuating circumstances. Should a writer desire to remain anonymous, they must provide sufficient justification as to why their name should not be attached to their work.

  4. Student editors, staff writers, and contributors must adhere to the Student Relations policy as outlined in The King’s University's Code of Ethics. This involves recognizing that all students are unique individuals and treating them with appropriate dignity, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

  5. Student editors retain the right to reject any submission which violates any of the policies outlined in A-C. Student editors retain the right to edit any submission for style, length, and/or clarity. Occasionally, due to space limitations, not all submissions will be published.

  6. The Chronicle shall explicitly state that the opinions expressed in the newspaper are those of individuals and are not necessarily shared by the editors, University, or student body. 

  7. Student editors will endeavour to appropriately credit all contributors, artists, and photographers in both online and paper versions of The Chronicle. However, should a copyright issue arise, student editors will immediately attempt to resolve the issue, credit the owner, and/or remove the offending material from publication. 

Any comments, concerns, or complaints about The Chronicle’s content or operations should be directed to the student editors. If a resolution cannot be reached, it will then be brought to the Faculty Advisor to be reviewed.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us.